XYDROGEN attends the HANNOVER MESSE Exhibition & Conference from April 12th to April 16th
Due to the COVID19 Pandemic, HANNOVER MESSE is still a Digital Edition this Year again. See you (hopefully) next Year in Germany.
Due to the COVID19 Pandemic, HANNOVER MESSE is still a Digital Edition this Year again. See you (hopefully) next Year in Germany.
The Doubs Chamber of Commerce highlighted our XYDRODESK ® et XYDROMARK ® Activities.
At the occasion of the “CREER DEMAIN Prize” Official Ceremony, XYDROGEN invited all its Financial Partners i.e. Initiative Doubs Territoire of Belfort, Bpifrance, AER BFC, Regional Council BFC, Crédit Agricole Franche-Comté, Arts & Métiers Foundation, Pays Montbéliard Metropolis, Aire Urbaine Investment and DECA BFC.
During our participation in the event ” CREER DEMAIN, 2 JOURS POUR INNOVER “, XYDROGEN won the ” CREER DEMAIN ” Prize as favorite project elected by the public.
XYDROGEN will participate in the “INDUSRTIE DU FUTUR BE 4.0” exhibition on November 17 and 18, 2020 in Mulhouse.
XYDROGEN is pleased to announce its arrival in the regional incubator of Bourgogne – Franche-Comté DECA BFC.
Created in November 2017 on the initiative of eight establishments at the instigation of the State and the Regional Council of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, the incubator supports innovative business projects that fall within the axes of excellence of its members.
XYDROGEN prepares to celebrate its first anniversary, we are always looking for new talents as well as intern, work-study or more experienced profiles.
Interested ? Send us your applications to [email protected]
XYDROGEN supports companies on ADEME “Ecosystèmes territoriaux hydrogène” and “Briques technologiques et démonstrateurs hydrogène” call for projects.
Interested in support? Contact us at [email protected]
XYDROGEN will participate in the “OPTIMAL PROSPECT” exhibition on October 13 and 14, 2020 in Montbéliard.
XYDROGEN will participate in the “360 GRAND EST” exhibition on September 29, 2020 in Strasbourg.
Press release